• Buffalo Seminary
  • Hilbert College
  • Fowler's Chocolates
  • Mercy Flight of Western New York
  • The Ride For Roswell
  • Realty USA
  • Elmwood Franklin School
  • Hilbert College
  • St. Francis High School


Hilbert College

The What:

Develop a billboard campaign that promoted Hilbert College as the place to go to "Get ahead".

And How:

If you've attended a graduation ceremony, you've seen it – students from the graduating class with masking-tape messages on the top of their caps thanking their parents, thanking their teachers, thanking God for finally being finished, etc. The most recent Hilbert billboards featured a spin-off of this idea.

The campaign showcased four successful Hilbert graduates, each holding a graduation cap with a masking-tape message on it specific to their career. The new theme line, "Get ahead @ Hilbert." drove home the idea that these graduates – a paralegal, a PR expert, an attorney, and a business owner – got ahead because they went to Hilbert College.

In addition to the creative, we coordinated the photo shoots and bought the media for the billboards. The "masking-tape message" concept was also featured in print ads and the school's viewbook, giving Hilbert a consistent image and further strengthening the "Get ahead" message.