• Buffalo Seminary
  • Hilbert College
  • Fowler's Chocolates
  • Mercy Flight of Western New York
  • The Ride For Roswell
  • Realty USA
  • Elmwood Franklin School
  • Hilbert College
  • St. Francis High School


Elmwood Franklin School

The What:

Increase awareness for a private school serving children in pre-K through 8th grade. 

And How: 

Flynn & Friends was tasked with creating an outdoor campaign that not only got attention, but also got parents thinking about their children’s future. And we not only did it once, but twice.

In Year 1, we created a theme line – “The Thinking Parent’s Choice.” It garnered tremendous attention for the school and its open houses. We also paired the outdoor campaign with radio advertisements that featured interviews with actual parents.

Besides the creative aspect, we handled the media planning and buying process for both the outdoor campaign and the radio spots.

The results? Attendance numbers at the open houses rose dramatically – up 25% at the most recent event.

In Year 2, we focused on Elmwood Franklin's embrace of technology – in the form of iPads distributed at all levels of the school – and translated that into the message you can see on Page 2 – "Give your kids 2020 Vision." We also paired it with a :15 TV commercial that featured kids of all ages counting down their graduating class years from the current 8th grade "2012" to their Prep II's "2020".